Writing/producing/creating full-time.

It took losing my voice to find it.
Dual citizen of Australia (where I reside) & America. I’ve a lifetime (over 30 years) of experience as an artist/performer/songwriter/producer.
In 2017 I was diagnosed with Vocal Cord Palsy, a condition I still navigate. This experience has deeply changed me as an artist. It took much effort, focus and fortitude, but I am able to sing again. I’ve new vigour and appreciation for my voice. This is difficult to explain to anyone who’ve not lost their voice. It’s a strange and lonely thing.
After about 2 years of enjoying being solo, lately I am really enjoying the fellowship of working with Allison2020 & Digital Droo.
(AKA “Microscopic Bunnies”)
Based on how things are going, you might expect an onslaught of singles leading to at least an EP. Our spreadsheet of works in progress is rather robust. The Bunnies are digging into neo soul/ bluesy/alt pop at the moment, but we have been known to dabble in a variety of surprising sonic rabbit holes.
What I am listening to lately: Countless “other” (impossible to classify by genre) experimental soundscapes but also Muddy Magnolias & Jungle.
I have always had an eclectic and diverse taste in music and art, and this suits me as an indie but also in pitching music for sync licensing. My list of influences is far too long to cover here, but I will give you highlights of the heroes who’s work has helped lead me to where I am. Billie Holiday, Ella Fitzgerald, Portishead, Sade, Laurie Anderson, Garbage, NIN, Stevie Wonder, Kate Bush, Sheryl Crow, Colin Hay, Crowded House, Pat Benatar, Chaka, Aretha, Sir Duke, Amy Winehouse… Discovering new obsessions all the time.
I love finding wonderful new and old music that moves me.
I have a vision for an immersive live experience. I am building my catalogue with every ounce of energy I can muster.
You may learn more about my projects and process via my Patreon where you can check out my weird demos, ideas, unfit for public works in progress, what is inspiring me, occasional meltdown/overshare, and countless other things.
My most recent life changing concert? Colin Hay in Newcastle NSW.
It was first time seeing him. I knew it would be good, but I was utterly undone. Literally (and I do mean literally in the true sense of this overly used word) on the edge of my seat for the entire show. I cried, laughed, sang along when encouraged to…. His chops and money notes are fully a force. He makes it look so effortless. The classic Men At Work songs were a treat but his solo stuff (I’d recognised from my husband’s playlist) were easy to love too. His songwriting… What talent. What an artist. Disarmingly casual.. Funny and authentically human too.
Would it be daggy if I actually wrote recorded the song knocking around in my head “Colin Hay” about the experience? Probably. But. That’s never stopped me before. (Ask me about my Benatar experience.)